Trix Track Playclass set comes with 255 Trix Track pieces, a play board, container and exercise sheets.
The set can be used both as a toy and educational aid. Trix Track is a tool that helps children learn about physics, problem solving, creativity and team work.
Children can build the suggested Trix Track combination sets (freestyle mode) or follow problem solving exercises from beginner to advanced level (challenge mode). In each exercise, children have to build using assigned Trix Track parts to connect the starting point to the finishing point while navigating through obstacles. The exercise comes together with an online syllabus that turns theory into practice.
Children can see physics in action and develop an understanding of concepts such as distance, velocity, force, gravity, friction, energy and many more.
Die frechen Safarispaß-Tiere spielen Trix Track Kugelbahn! Bei jedem Tier verbirgt sich ein anderer Trick und macht diese Safaribahn zu einem großen Vergnügen.
Wie kann die Kugel nur über diese Brücke gelangen, ohne herunterzufallen? Lass die Kugel einfach rollen und entdecke, durch welche Mechanismen es ihr gelingt, ihr Ziel zu erreichen! Fördert das Verständnis für Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen.